Take a 5 minute Stress Profile Quiz to find out what your stress profile is.
This will help you learn how to reduce your stress.
Please rate each statement on a scale of 1 to 5 how strongly you disagree or agree with it.
1= Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree
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I am better off doing things myself than to trust others to do them.
I often feel I haven’t done enough no matter how hard I try.
I focus on meeting other's needs at the expense of my own.
I worry about how I appear to others.
I would rather be a follower than a leader.
I would rather fit in than be different.
I tend to put up with a bad situation for longer than I really want to.
I tend to give long detailed explanations when asked why I did or did not do something.
I often feel alone and isolated.
I put off completing tasks until I have to do them.
It is important to me that my views are seen as the right ones.
One of my worst fears is to be controlled by someone else.