Listen to Nature Sounds and Reduce Stress


Listen to Nature Sounds and Reduce your Stress

By Lindsay Leimbach


Noted author of You Are the Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza states, "In clinical studies, we have proven that 2 hours of nature sounds a day significantly reduce stress hormones up to 800% and activates 500-600 DNA segments known to be responsible for healing and repairing the body."

Dr. Lewis Elliott, an environmental psychologist at the University of Exeter, The UK, said: "A large percentage of our population live close to either inland waterways or coastal margins, and research has shown these environments could help us tackle major public health challenges such as physical inactivity and poorer mental health."

Published research found that both natural and built environments containing water were associated with higher preferences, greater positive affect, and higher perceived restorativeness than those without water.


Biologist Wallace J. Nichols, the author of Blue Mind, says "We are beginning to learn that our brains are hardwired to react positively to water and that being near it can calm and connect us, increase innovation and insight, and even heal what's broken."

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